How to Use the Dependent Workflow Section


Last Update há 7 meses

A Dependent Workflow is useful for a couple scenarios:

1. For a specific Template, once one Workflow is completed, a new one gets created.

2. Across multiple Templates, a Workflow from Template A can be configured to be dependent on a Workflow from Template B.


  • Here's how it works
  • Advanced Usage
    • Assigning Users
    • Setting a Due Date
    • Workflow Name
    • Instructional Text
    • Require the Workflow to be Created

Here's how it works

In this example below, in the 2nd task of the template, we want a workflow from another template to be created.

So, we select "Dependent Workflow" section on the right-hand side:

Then, click the "Select Template" button:

In the dialog that appears, search for the template you want to run a workflow for, select it, and then click the "Confirm" button:

You'll then see it appear in the section:

Now whenever anyone runs a workflow for "My Template", on the 2nd step, they'll see an EXECUTE WORKFLOW button that will create a workflow for the "My Dependent Template":

Upon clicking that button, the "My Dependent Template" workflow is created

Now, if we visit the Workflows page, we can see both workflows:

Advanced Usage

Assigning Users

Click the "Assign Users to Workflow" button and select one or more users. Whenever a workflow is created from the selected template, the user(s) will be assigned to that workflow.

Setting a Due Date

Click "Set Workflow Due After":

And choose how many months, days, hours, or minutes the workflow will be due, after it's created: Then click "Save Changes":

Workflow Name

By default the workflow will use its template's name, but you can customize it using this field:

Note: the workflow name you specify on the template can be overriden by the workflow executor.

Instructional Text

This text appears on the workflow, so whomever is executing the workflow knows the purpose of the dependency. You can customize it to suit the purpose of your template/task:

Require the Workflow to be Created

Click the "Required" checkbox if the dependent workflow MUST be created before the task can be completed:

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